Video game Trivia Challenge!


“I'm the king of insects! And Avalance!”
This is a trivia game. Click on the spoiler.​
What is this challenge?
This is a trivia-style game with questions regarding popular video game franchises. There will be two teams; the red team and the blue team, each with 4 players.
How do you play?
To play, there will be two different sets of answers. The player needs to pick one of them and a question is asked. That player needs to cut answer choices until one remains. If the correct answer is cut, the team gains the amount of coins shown: 5 coins for 1 incorrect answer cut, 10 coins for 2 incorrect answers cut, and 20 coins if all wrong answers are cut. The player has 24 hours to answer.
How do you win?
To win, a total of 20 questions will be asked, 10 for each team. When all 20 questions are asked, the team with the most coins is the winner.
How do you enter?
Simply either post an underlined comment, like this, or PM me to join. When all 8 players join, entering will not be allowed until the game is over.

The Players:

Still waiting for players… Please join!​
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