
A ♥Bill Cipher♥ fan
Just not like we know and love him from gravity falls, The real Bill Cipher is invisible to the naked eye BUT we see his actions. Some of them aren't real like anthropomorphic or weirdness inducement and other things, But take a look at this! that's one of Bill Cipher's powers....interdimensional time travel or something. Then you have this i know it says ''ghost stories'' but you can't always believe what you hear people say, Now if you read the second story it says someone went to their living room for a drink when they saw a man sitting at their table and when they turned around again the man was gone, There you have it....Bill Cipher's illusion manipulation, Then in the same story they were taking a shower they got blasted with cold wasn't a quirk in the plumbing....the water knob was found turned onto cold and no one else was around, that would be Bill Cipher's telekinesis, Then the third story....a woman found her camera lens that she lost when she moved in on her nightstand one day suddenly, Bill Cipher's object summoning. Then after the camera lens was found other small things like her set of keys was found in strange places that she hadn't put em....that would probably also be the same thing as telekinesis. Then the fourth story,
This person thought he saw a woman ghost in his bathroom....she was ''glowing'' Bill Cipher ''glows'' too, if you've noticed it before, that could have been him mimicking a ghost.