Luigi hc
I've been playing around with my new Paintshop Pro XI, and found I'm okay at making signatures. ^^
Just thought I'd show 'em off.
My signature I'm using now is also an example.
I'd love to make others some signatures, to practice my mad (or happy) skills (or skillz 8)). If you'd like me to make one, fill out the form below. ^^
Hehe. ^^
To Install the Signature:
1. Underneath your picture will be a Code Box, like the one below. Copy it.
2. Go to your profile, by clicking "Profile" at the top of the page.
3. Find the "Signature" box (last box in the second section.)
4. Paste the code in where you want the picture to appear.
5. Click "Submit".
Voila! Enjoy!
Just thought I'd show 'em off.

My signature I'm using now is also an example.
I'd love to make others some signatures, to practice my mad (or happy) skills (or skillz 8)). If you'd like me to make one, fill out the form below. ^^
[b]Text:[/b] (What do you want it to say?)
[b]Size:[/b] (How big should it be? Width x Height in pixels, please)
[b]Images:[/b] (Provide specific, and several, image links of your favourite characters to go on the signature)
[b]Colour Scheme:[/b] (What colours should be the main ones?)
[b]Additional Info:[/b] (Anything else? If you can, please include which of the characters to be on the image is your favourite, second favourite, etc.)
Hehe. ^^
To Install the Signature:
1. Underneath your picture will be a Code Box, like the one below. Copy it.
3. Find the "Signature" box (last box in the second section.)
4. Paste the code in where you want the picture to appear.
5. Click "Submit".
Voila! Enjoy!