30 Day Video Game Challenge - DAY 30: Your favorite game of all time

For 15 years or so, the answer to this question was, without a question, Super Mario 64. That was the game that made me enthusiastic about gaming in the first place, and no game ever had the same feeling.
A mere few months ago, though, my answer changed, it's now Persona 4. Maybe technically-wise, it's not the perfect RPG: Persona 5's dungeons and battle system are miles better. But not only its story, but how the story is inserted in gameplay is what made this game special. From the social links to the multiple endings, and how they were implemented in the actual RPG part of the game (dungeon exploring and battles) was something completely new to me, which is why I love it.
From the games I've played, Splatoon, and out of any game I know of, Breath of the Wild.