Anyone heading to PAX Aus in two weeks?


King Bowser
Sort of follow up to this, just wondering if anyone else here is happening to also be attending PAX this year in Melbourne, like an opportunity hang out in person in the spirit of a convention such as PAX (and not be hindered by Australia's considerably sub-par internet quality for a weekend that brings the lag we're all familiar with)

part of me still reminds me i shouldn't organise meetups with people online but it is a public place with lots of other people and we were all going anyway so i imagine its safe enough
I will be there all three days. If there's another Double Dash tournament you'll find me there lol
this reminds me of the fact that nobody ever replied to the thread where i said i would be at the gamescom in 2014


well at least i told somebody on newgrounds id visit his booth, and he was surprised i actually did it lol (
You went to a convention in Germany, that was your first mistake :b

Well you know where to find me on Sunday.

As for the other days I'll most likely be at the Smash Wii U tourneys on all three days even if just to watch. I'll update with whatever I may be wearing if anyone wants to try to find me. (btw not doing cosplay this year because the past 10 months have been super demanding with school and such so I got nothing ready despite my efforts)
Yeah I really need to go over the schedule and find what I'm interested in

I was gonna cosplay Antisocial Karen and even got most bits for it but it didn't come together as I hoped so I'm just gonna cut my losses and work out something else to do with the items later on