Programming Talk / Help Thread

on the subject of weird as fuck things to program with,

I've played reversii in the pdftex console recently (by compiling a tex document with code that played reversii)
I enjoy programming but i haven't done it a lot recently. I'm good with easy programming languages like basic and can do some things in Java and processing. I use a website called codecademy which gives free programming lessons (if you don't know it and want to learn programming, check it out it's really cool website) I'm trying to learn more advanced coding like python but haven't done yet. I can also program in base 32, usually I like to send cryptic messages to my friends using it and they think I'm sending random spam :boshi:
Try codewars, that website helped me get better in php

And it has a lot of other languages, including java, c++, c#, SQL (implemented in ruby), Python, etc