Undertale (plz click this topic <3)

Gulillilliant said:
i told myself i wouldn't watch any undertale stuff until i beat it but dunkey was just too good to resist so i cracked immediately when this came out
I want that stuff so much.

Maybe I can get a Papyrus sticker to cover that weird stain on my laptop...
hahaha, look at undyne's face on that poster
It's the delta rune that's supposed to be mimicking the Hylian Crest and Shield afaik. I forget who explains the rune in the game, it might've been the turtle in the shop in Waterfall.
oh yea ok i kept thinking the hylian shield but ive never seen those symbols ingame before
i kinda just skipped the turtles dialogue so lol
also it's what toriel has on her sprite 24/7

i think that's what its supposed to be because of the shape of the thing around the rune
apparently someone in my school was talking about undertale and said "im going to do a genocide run bc i dont want to date a skeleton bc im not gay"

he's going to have a bad time
He's going to get intimately acquainted with one anyway, so joke's on him.
Nabber said:
apparently someone in my school was talking about undertale and said "im going to do a genocide run bc i dont want to date a skeleton bc im not gay"
but isn't the date optional

of course i don't understand why you wouldn't want to date him, but to each their own
you can avoid dating papyrus by just not flirting with him, and you can avoid dating sans by just saying no, but

in the best ending you cant avoid dating alphys