Strange Occureneces in your life

Name says it all.

I remember there was a severe thunderstorm and i had a lightbulb
that was out but we did'nt bother to replace it. Then a Lightning bolt
struck really close to my apartment and the dead lightbulb turned
on and worked for a day or two.
My boyfriend is quite into spiritualism and the like, and I myself do believe in spirits, and I agreed to take part in a grounding ceremony (attach an object to me to ward off evil spirits), and I agreed because to be honest it always felt uncomfortable for whatever reason. Apparently I had something attached to me, that left as part of the ceremony, and later on that day we both heard a really depressed sigh that went throughout the house (on a sidenote, I haven't felt uncomfortable since we did the ceremony).

Also yesterday at his, a board flew off the wall and ended up in a corner of the room, thing is the way it fell it shouldn't have ended up where it did, it should have just felt right down to the ground rather than across the room, and partially around a wall.