My brother made this.


Star Spirit
It's so dumb

For the good of the people
Those words look down on the grand wooden table I sit at. Real wood. Not the cheap imitations. Solid oak. One of the last Ive been told.
I try not to make a habit of grandeur. As leader, I must set an example. The people have probably never seen anything this grand. Not since before the war
The chair is wooden too. I did wonder if it was going to far I even asked my advisors. But they all agreed I deserved the treat, of course I do I gave the advisors a raise after that. They deserve it too they understand the work it takes to build a civilisation.
Of course, the problem with wood is that its so damn uncomfortable. I get up and walk over to the window.
From this window I can see most of the city. This time a particular street catches my eye. I can see the red helmets of the peace troopers around a citizen, brown work clothes, a construction worker.
They seem to be arguing.
I could never stand arguing. I call over my chief of security. He is able to patch me through to the troopers.
Static. Then:
It is I, trusted peacekeeper this is my title. It is appropriate to my job I feel.
Yes trusted peacekeeper sir. It is an honour.
Thank you. What are you doing with this construction worker?
Sir he is creating a disturbance in the peace.
I scowl at the communicator. The peace is sacred.
Yes sir. We have told him to cease but he continues to ramble
I hear an outbreak of wild pleas in the background.
Is he mad?
I hear a yelp and wild scrambles.
No sir, he does not bear the mark.
The mark. Everyone in the city is required to visit a checker once a year. I will not allow madness in this city. The peace must be kept.

Detain him. Check him for any dangerous items and then put him in a reform camp for 6 months.
Yes sir.
I smile. This is a working system. This is the best system. Another won case.
But suddenly it does not sound so. There is more scuffling, shouts.
My wife children no food water credits help me! NO! I WILL NOT LEAVE!
I glance out the window again. Even from here I can see the man struggling.
Citizen! Continue in this fashion and you will loose your work clothes and your permit!
I hear faintly one of the troopers repeat my message to the man. I see him pause.
Take him. He is a danger to the peace.
The scuffles start again. I hear the mans voice, louder now
You cannot take me away! I am the livelihood of my family! Without me they will starve! I have nothing, nothing left! Help me! Please the last appeal was aimed at the busy street.
Troopers, take this mans work clothes! He no longer works in Utopia! Bring him to the asylum, and find me the checker that checked him and detained him. This man is obviously mad! There is no starvation in the city; the last check from my advisors was only a week ago.
The man continues to scream nonsense as the troopers wrestle him out of his clothes. He is completely naked underneath. A thought hits me.
Cover his shame there are children on the street!
One of the troopers pulls off his jacket and thrusts it on the man. He kicks out. He is still fighting. Hard. His foot collides with one of my troopers. I have no choice.
Kill him. He is a danger to the peace! I can almost hear the panic in my own voice.
I see a trooper pull out a gun. I turn my head from the window. The shot echoes across the street through the communicator. As I turn back to the window I see the man crumple.
I turn away again. I give my chief of security his communicator.
I walk slowly back to my table. It was the only way.
One of my advisors steps forward. I wave my hand. Permission to speak.
Very well handled, trusted peacemaker. The others nod in approval. I nod too. I have more important things to do than mourn the loss of a madman.
Advisor, bring me some of that fine dark chocolate
Everything I do is for the good of the people.
For the good of the people.

EDIT: Stooben if you're still around please edit that "she" to a "he" I promised him I'd dig this up and adjust it to reflect his come-out.
EDIT: oh i missed other "she"s too and they're even less likely to be corrected :(
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SiFi said:
It's so dumb

For the good of the people
Those words look down on the grand wooden table I sit at. Real wood. Not the cheap imitations. Solid oak. One of the last I’ve been told.
I try not to make a habit of grandeur. As leader, I must set an example. The people have probably never seen anything this grand. Not since before the war…
The chair is wooden too. I did wonder if it was going to far… I even asked my advisors. But they all agreed I deserved the treat, of course I do… I gave the advisors a raise after that. They deserve it too… they understand the work it takes to build a civilisation.
Of course, the problem with wood is that it’s so damn uncomfortable…. I get up and walk over to the window.
From this window I can see most of the city. This time a particular street catches my eye. I can see the red helmets of the peace troopers around a citizen, brown work clothes, a construction worker.
They seem to be arguing.
I could never stand arguing. I call over my chief of security. He is able to patch me through to the troopers.
Static. Then:
“It is I, trusted peacekeeper” this is my title. It is appropriate to my job I feel.
“Yes trusted peacekeeper sir. It is an honour.”
“Thank you. What are you doing with this construction worker?”
“Sir he is creating a disturbance in the peace.”
I scowl at the communicator. “The peace is sacred.”
“Yes sir. We have told him to cease but he continues to ramble”
I hear an outbreak of wild pleas in the background.
“Is he mad?”
I hear a yelp and wild scrambles.
“No sir, he does not bear the mark.”
The mark. Everyone in the city is required to visit a checker once a year. I will not allow madness in this city. The peace must be kept.

“Detain him. Check him for any dangerous items and then put him in a reform camp for 6 months.”
“Yes sir.”
I smile. This is a working system. This is the best system. Another won case.
But suddenly it does not sound so. There is more scuffling, shouts.
“My wife… children… no food… water… credits… help me! NO! I WILL NOT LEAVE!”
I glance out the window again. Even from here I can see the man struggling.
“Citizen! Continue in this fashion and you will loose your work clothes and your permit!”
I hear faintly one of the troopers repeat my message to the man. I see him pause.
“Take him. He is a danger to the peace.”
The scuffles start again. I hear the man’s voice, louder now
“You cannot take me away! I am the livelihood of my family! Without me they will starve! I have nothing, nothing left! Help me! Please” the last appeal was aimed at the busy street.
“Troopers, take this mans work clothes! He no longer works in Utopia! Bring him to the asylum, and find me the checker that checked him and detained him. This man is obviously mad!” There is no starvation in the city; the last check from my advisors was only a week ago.
The man continues to scream nonsense as the troopers wrestle him out of his clothes. He is completely naked underneath. A thought hits me.
“Cover his shame there are children on the street!”
One of the troopers pulls off his jacket and thrusts it on the man. He kicks out. He is still fighting. Hard. His foot collides with one of my troopers. I have no choice.
“Kill him. He is a danger to the peace!” I can almost hear the panic in my own voice.
I see a trooper pull out a gun. I turn my head from the window. The shot echoes across the street through the communicator. As I turn back to the window I see the man crumple.
I turn away again. I give my chief of security his communicator.
I walk slowly back to my table. It was the only way.
One of my advisors steps forward. I wave my hand. Permission to speak.
“Very well handled, trusted peacemaker.” The others nod in approval. I nod too. I have more important things to do than mourn the loss of a madman.
“Advisor, bring me some of that fine dark chocolate”
Everything I do is for the good of the people.
For the good of the people.

Off-topic: I going to propose arulle to not quote the person directly above, unless there's a bit of it you want to quote...
SiFi said:
It's so dumb

For the good of the people
Those words look down on the grand wooden table I sit at. Real wood. Not the cheap imitations. Solid oak. One of the last I’ve been told.
I try not to make a habit of grandeur. As leader, I must set an example. The people have probably never seen anything this grand. Not since before the war…
The chair is wooden too. I did wonder if it was going to far… I even asked my advisors. But they all agreed I deserved the treat, of course I do… I gave the advisors a raise after that. They deserve it too… they understand the work it takes to build a civilisation.
Of course, the problem with wood is that it’s so damn uncomfortable…. I get up and walk over to the window.
From this window I can see most of the city. This time a particular street catches my eye. I can see the red helmets of the peace troopers around a citizen, brown work clothes, a construction worker.
They seem to be arguing.
I could never stand arguing. I call over my chief of security. He is able to patch me through to the troopers.
Static. Then:
“It is I, trusted peacekeeper” this is my title. It is appropriate to my job I feel.
“Yes trusted peacekeeper sir. It is an honour.”
“Thank you. What are you doing with this construction worker?”
“Sir he is creating a disturbance in the peace.”
I scowl at the communicator. “The peace is sacred.”
“Yes sir. We have told him to cease but he continues to ramble”
I hear an outbreak of wild pleas in the background.
“Is he mad?”
I hear a yelp and wild scrambles.
“No sir, he does not bear the mark.”
The mark. Everyone in the city is required to visit a checker once a year. I will not allow madness in this city. The peace must be kept.

“Detain him. Check him for any dangerous items and then put him in a reform camp for 6 months.”
“Yes sir.”
I smile. This is a working system. This is the best system. Another won case.
But suddenly it does not sound so. There is more scuffling, shouts.
“My wife… children… no food… water… credits… help me! NO! I WILL NOT LEAVE!”
I glance out the window again. Even from here I can see the man struggling.
“Citizen! Continue in this fashion and you will loose your work clothes and your permit!”
I hear faintly one of the troopers repeat my message to the man. I see him pause.
“Take him. He is a danger to the peace.”
The scuffles start again. I hear the man’s voice, louder now
“You cannot take me away! I am the livelihood of my family! Without me they will starve! I have nothing, nothing left! Help me! Please” the last appeal was aimed at the busy street.
“Troopers, take this mans work clothes! He no longer works in Utopia! Bring him to the asylum, and find me the checker that checked him and detained him. This man is obviously mad!” There is no starvation in the city; the last check from my advisors was only a week ago.
The man continues to scream nonsense as the troopers wrestle him out of his clothes. He is completely naked underneath. A thought hits me.
“Cover his shame there are children on the street!”
One of the troopers pulls off his jacket and thrusts it on the man. He kicks out. He is still fighting. Hard. His foot collides with one of my troopers. I have no choice.
“Kill him. He is a danger to the peace!” I can almost hear the panic in my own voice.
I see a trooper pull out a gun. I turn my head from the window. The shot echoes across the street through the communicator. As I turn back to the window I see the man crumple.
I turn away again. I give my chief of security his communicator.
I walk slowly back to my table. It was the only way.
One of my advisors steps forward. I wave my hand. Permission to speak.
“Very well handled, trusted peacemaker.” The others nod in approval. I nod too. I have more important things to do than mourn the loss of a madman.
“Advisor, bring me some of that fine dark chocolate”
Everything I do is for the good of the people.
For the good of the people.
Is that part of a story she's writing?
I love the scene where Dark Chocalate is mentioned.

[quote author=Teh Story]
“Kill him. He is a danger to chocalate!” I can almost hear the panic in my own voice.
I see a trooper pull out a gun. I turn my head from the window. The shot echoes across the street through the communicator. As I turn back to the window I see the man crumple into a steaming mass of dark chocalate.
"I am your father, Sifi."

Why is this under Fan Creations and not Off-Subject discussion? Meaning, this wasn't created because she was a Fan of something, was it? Or was it? Anyway, if it is part of a story, it seems good.
Halvin said:
I love the scene where Dark Chocalate is mentioned.

[quote author=Teh Story]
“Kill him. He is a danger to chocalate!” I can almost hear the panic in my own voice.
I see a trooper pull out a gun. I turn my head from the window. The shot echoes across the street through the communicator. As I turn back to the window I see the man crumple into a steaming mass of dark chocalate.
"I am your father, Sifi."

Why is this under Fan Creations and not Off-Subject discussion? Meaning, this wasn't created because she was a Fan of something, was it? Or was it? Anyway, if it is part of a story, it seems good.
Well, if user stuff is here so can this.
Lario said:
Halvin said:
I love the scene where Dark Chocalate is mentioned.

[quote author=Teh Story]
“Kill him. He is a danger to chocalate!” I can almost hear the panic in my own voice.
I see a trooper pull out a gun. I turn my head from the window. The shot echoes across the street through the communicator. As I turn back to the window I see the man crumple into a steaming mass of dark chocalate.
"I am your father, Sifi."

Why is this under Fan Creations and not Off-Subject discussion? Meaning, this wasn't created because she was a Fan of something, was it? Or was it? Anyway, if it is part of a story, it seems good.
Well, if user stuff is here so can this.
Perhaps... I suppose... I like using words with 2 "p"s... pipes... Mrs. Poppins... *shot*