Story Time 3

WEEGEE! Peach Bowser And Luigi banded together. And stopped weegee! The end. OR IS IT? It revealed that WEEGEE was just a puppet For a familiar face....... FAWFUL! HAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!! Fawful said. YOU'RE PANTS WILL BE FILLED WITH CHEESE AND MUSTARD ONCE FAWFUL GETS AWAY WITH THIS! YAHAHAHAHHA! I..... HAVE..... FURY!!!!!! Then the background turned into something fawfullike AND THEN......
Then Daisy shot Fawful with an FN FAL Battle Rifle. She then visited Waluigi at a slum in Rogueport to decide what to do next. They decided on...
Waluigi decided to kill Daisy, which he did, then decided to go to a museum, where he discovered that the Fawful who was killed was a decoy, and the real one was right behind the huge...
CURTAINS! Fawful was theee LAUGHING at their faces. I HAVE MUSTARD!!!!! Fawful said in a ridiculous mannner. Then five faces of fawful started chortling these words: $$$%^&`^&&^^!&@*&&@%$%$%$%!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?! Luigi pissed his pants. Everyone was grabbed and showed a video showing Fawful having a MUSTARD party. and then.....
The Grim Reaper dragged Fawful to the Underwhere.

Luigi commented that he needed a change of pants, so he...