What books have you been reading recently?

The Bone Season, by...someone. My sister's friend said it was going to be the "next big thing", but I don't see the appeal. It was OK, but there was way too much made-up terminology which should have made the world seem more realistic, but it really didn't. Also, it started off in a future London with clairvoyants, only for it to spiral into aliens. And alien-human romance at the end, and I never like tacked-on love stories.
There was literally a Thread just like this...I think.

Anyways, Soul Eater Not!
I'm in the middle of How Few Remain currently. Basically, it's an alternate timeline where a Confederate soldier picked up Special Order 191, meaning Robert E. Lee's first invasion of the North was successful and the Confederate States gained their independence.

For a history buff like me, it's fascinating to follow Samuel Clemens, Custer, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Stuart, and Jackson as they move around in this alternate timeline.

I just don't have time in my life for me to read books I've already read, and I just haven't gotten any new books recently.

Though, if you count Hyrule Historia, then hell yeah! I read it about every few days (some sections) to get a better understanding of everything.
I got done with The Shining a few days ago and started Doctor Sleep.