Ja'mie: Private School Girl (New Chris Lilley Show)


I can see through time
She / They
So the genius, satirical comedian Chris Lilley is making a new show called 'Ja'mie: Private School Girl,' which stars Ja'mie King, a character from his previous shows 'We Can Be Heroes' and 'Summer Heights High.'

I don't think I can express how excited I am for this because Ja'mie was always my favourite character of his (and Mr G, lol). I knew so many bitches in school who were just like Ja'mie (sometimes even seeing bad bits of myself in her) which just makes her all kinds of funny to watch.

Check out the trailer here:

Oh, and if you have no idea Ja'mie or Chris Lilley is then seriously take about 2-3 hours of your day to watch the entirety of Summer Heights High because that show is incredible.