What does your voice sound like?

Why do I see that this thread could become a hornets nest for cyberbullying?
Hitoshura said:
Minako Aino said:
Drift said:
Minako Aino said:
ur voice suks 0/10
i got the best voice

You're Sailor Venus. You're supposed to have a nice voice.

My natural tone is kinda weird, mainly a standard Northerner accent mixed with a bit of Swedish. I'm very far from monotone.
y ty good sir
i make one joke recording and everybody just posts joke ones now

and they're not even good

at least mine actually had my voice
I'm self-conscious of my voice because it's gross and somewhat Pittsburgh-accented, so I won't be posting one.
What does my voice sound like? You be the judge! Come on Team Fortress 2 and hear me call everyone a pillock, what good fun we will all have!

also tfp has the best voice, hands down

_ said:
A lot of people say my voice is cute and innocent, but in all honest I find my voice annoying and squeaky.
become femscout herself and destroy the server with your thick new england accent
i have a deep voice for my age. i kind of sound annoying when i record my voice in my opinion. or its just the 3ds voice thing being mean to me.
my voice varies between quite deep and quite high. either way, it sounds awful if i try to record anything.
My voice sounds weird right now: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0VhUq5rySzd
I would record something serious, but since i broke my mic i would have to use my crappy built-in mic, and it would basically sound like garlic's.