Bacon Number


Retired Wiki Staff
'Shroom Consultant
Henry Tucayo Clay
This is about a year old, but I just found out about it and I like it.

Just like the six degrees of separation theory, Google proves every single actor can be linked in less than five steps to Kevin Bacon. All you need to do is go to Google, type "Bacon number <celebrity name>", and voila, there you have their Bacon Number.

So far I haven't even found someone who has more than three degrees of separation.

And yes, Kevin Bacon's Bacon number is 0.
We learned about the sight when we were in Sociology.

We got extra credit if you could find someone that was more than 3 degrees from Kevin Bacon. I finally did it after much searching.

Also, type in Kelly Lomas, my English 11 teacher.
Mario was a ref in Mike Tyson's Punch Out.
Mike Tyson was in the new Rocky movie with a guy named David Kneernean.
David was in a movie called My One and Only with KEVIN BACON.