How do you get these rectangle sigs

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Celestial Guide
Since a lot of people here have one, I would like to know where you can get them.
Prince Bowser Junior said:
How do you put images in the rectangle?

You have to use an image editing program like Paint, GIMP, or Photoshop. I recommend GIMP obviously since Paint can be a crapshoot when it comes to images, and GIMP won't make them look pixelated when sized down to the rectangle.

And GIMP is free, btw.
MCS said:
Prince Bowser Junior said:
How do you put images in the rectangle?

You have to use an image editing program like Paint, GIMP, or Photoshop. I recommend GIMP obviously since Paint can be a crapshoot when it comes to images, and GIMP won't make them look pixelated when sized down to the rectangle.

And GIMP is free, btw.
Actually, paint is okay if you be really careful and save it as a PNG and not any other file. Saving it as files such as GIF or JPEG will make it blurry and pixilated the minute you save it as those two files.
Um, Paint is a terrible image editor and it's terrible at cropping stuff. GIMP is the best choice for making those images.

And it's not necessarily that an image will lose information if you save it as a .gif or .jpeg. Sure, .gif supports only indexed colors while jpeg compresses the file so that some images may be lost, but again, that doesn't necessarily occur all the time. JPEGs should be used only in photographs and highly complex images while .gifs should be used mainly for animation, as .pngs outclass it otherwise.
Paint is an all right program when you need to make very simple image edits very quickly, but resizing things nicely is outside its capabilities. Throw some alpha transparency into the mix and you're pretty much screwed.

But yes, JPG is a spawn of evil.
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