Sikh Temple Shooting

BMB said:
Gideon Gordon Graves said:
At the very least, it should be illegal for people with mental problems to buy guns.

1 - How would you know that people would be mentally unstable? I mean, the shooter in Aurora obviously showed no signs of being crazy.

2 - Just because someone might have a mental problems doesn't mean that they are all insane or deserves to be unable to own something. It was rather offending, as I suffer from a mental disability known as Autism.

1 - They'd have to present papers or something, I dunno, it was just a thought. I actually expected people to say that it is illegal for people with mental problems in buy guns, I'm kind of shocked that it isn't.

2 - I meant as in schizophrenia and the like.

[quote author=redacted]
Some people aren't diagnosed or don't have specific conditions, yet shouldn't be trusted with sharpened pencils. [/quote]


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