Give the next poster an item

I'll take good care of it. I promise.

Next user gets a ration card.
I use it for :yoshi: which I make a smoothie out of.
Next user gets it.
I have never heard of the item "splashed".

Next user gets a :dk: doll.
*gives to next user*
I eat...
Next user gets the other one.
Not knowing what it is, I don't want to take the risk of it being terrible music so I pass it along.
I don't like the music so i throw in the bin.

Next user gets a growth gun.
I use the hat to increase :posh:-ness, but give the cane to the next user.
I paint the cane golden and sell it for millons of pounds.

Next user gets a shrink gun.
I find a size changer gun and return to normal.

Next user gets a gun.
I take it to a mourge.
Next user gets :toad:
Toad guards my house.

Next user gets a Shotgun
I taser people who are jealous of me.

Next user gets a private jet.