Give the next poster an item

A moggy is a cat version of a mutt.

And I give Kingdom Hearts 3 to the next user.
I don't want it. Oh, and Moggies are much more than that.

Next user gets the letter 'Q'.
*put sunglasses on* YEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!

Next user gets a salad.
Together we will sail the sea and and find buried booty!! So long scallywags!! if we don't come back, we are in Davy jones locker!

The next user gets whatever i left behind.
You left behind a piano. *drops on Yoshi876*

Next user gets a heart.
I give it to Yoshi876 just so I can kill him again.

Next user gets a comma.
I fashion the comma into a blade and stab TPY

Next user gets the murder weapon
I kill him and ruin Christmas >:D

Next user gets the blame (wonder who'll post next)
Bring it.

Next user gets another Moggy.
Darn, I needed an Electirizer.

Next user gets a balloon inflated with sulfur hexaflouride.
I mod it to Kingdom Hearts 3 and play it

The next user gets that dang fourth chaos emerald