Tabuu's Ultimate Userpedian Crackfic (Series?): The Mansion Incident of 2012

[quote author=The Mansion Incident of 2012]
Ephidel gave a feral roar and ran at PTR, a teenager at a Donkey Kong machine.

PTR screamed and leaped out of the way- but he wasn’t Ephidel’s target anyways. Palkia stabbed his flaming sword through the screen of the arcade cabinet and it exploded.

“Why did you do that!?” PTR demanded.

Ephidel gave a maniacal laugh and kicked the door off its hinges, beginning his charge through the mansion.

PTR was heartbroken.
PTR found another arcade machine.[/quote]
Turned out better than i expected
okay so since everyone lost their powers then that means that this series comes after typical tragedy right

and also since you're done with typical tragedy you are NOW REQUIRED TO WRITE A SEQUEL TO THIS OR MULTIPLE SEQUELS