Drop something on the person below you.

*drops something random*
*Gets hit* WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE GETTING HIT?????????????????? *Drops everything*
3Dejong said:

*drops "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"*

Use it wisely.


*drops ??????????????????????????????????????????????*
I mean, Ferret's Elf being a play from Fear Itself.


A wealthy widow walks into an art gallery looking for a nice painting for her mantle.

The dealer walks her to a very nice landscape.

"It's called 'Ferret's Elf' a lovely scene with unicorns and magnificent creatures."

"Well that's very nice, but I'm looking for something a bit more bold and vibrant. Do you have anything like that?"

"Oh of course. This is an exception to our usual selection."

"So the only thing you have too fair, is Ferret's Elf."