Wiki User Survival (Continue the comic)


Star Spirit

So basically, make a comic explaining what happens next.
I check the surrounding area for weapons.

I found a chainsaw!

Zombies appear!

I slash two zombies apart!

I got lazy, not to mention SICK of the fact that people aren't contributing properly. THIS IS NOT A TEXT RPG. THIS IS AN INTERACTIVE COMIC.
If I make a comic, does it HAVE to have a background?

And can we please make it a text RPG? Comics take TOO long.

And when do we eat?
3Dejong said:
If I make a comic, does it HAVE to have a background?

And can we please make it a text RPG? Comics take TOO long.

And when do we eat?

There are already enough text RPGs as it is. I'm trying to create a new experience here.
Wow, what a great reason to create ONE BILLION of them.



Forget it.

You guys suck
It's decided. I'm doing this solo. See y'all on userpedia.

Edit: Or not.