Create a cereal brand name with the word above

Layton's Puzzlepuffs
Clive's Controlling Corn Puffs
(I'm thinking of the PLayton character.)

New Word: Stabbing
Guess what, so was I ( Clive is the Best PL character, I even had him as my theme once!)
Stabbing Cereal killers
Clive isn't just the deepest PL character, he's one of the greatest characters in the history of gaming. Honestly, he's what made Unwound Future have such a deep and thought-provoking plot.

Murdoc Munchies

Word: Sherlock
@ Toad85 IKR! I hope that Clive is in the future games! Murdoc Niccalsof gorillaz would like Murdoc Munchies.

Bland Crispy balls
@tentacleTherapist. I actually hope they don't. Having him in future games would only degrade what is a great character to the role of a every-time villain. Unless the new appearance was in a prequel game...

Crazy Clusters.

New Word: World
@ Toad85- Maybe not as a villain, but a prequal game would work

Worldwide Ceral bites
Word: Guru-Guru
@tentacleTherapist - What is your wiki name? I would like to request your friend userbox.

Guru-Guru's Epic bites!

New Word: Zero