Control the Topic

Just had some for lunch.

New topic: The beach
Gotta love him.

New topic: Jeff liking cute girls in bikinis, and me agreeing.
Oh yes it is. Ask anyone, they'll either have negative or neutral comments. A rare few might have a couple of positive comments, but that's it.

New Topic: Pikmin
Not really low self-esteem, more like a short fuse, that led to a couple of arguments.

Mario's eyes: I wonder why every human in the Mario series has blue eyes.

New Topic: It sucks to be Luigi/Weegee (a comic series on DA)
I like to party.

New topic: The eekdance smiley.
Awesome game. I've beaten it twice, I think.

Quick edit (I posted too early :P):
New topic: Shakira
She's ok I guess.

New topic: Earthbound