Homestar Runner

Homestar Runner rocks! They haven't been updating because Matt Chapman, co-creator and voice most of the character, and his wife had a baby, and most of their time has been dedicated to taking care of it. At least we got a compensation by seeing Strong Bad in another game, this time with Max, Tycho, and the Heavy.
Homestar Runner is the greatest thing to walk on the Internet.
Smashgoom202 said:
Don't you mean to RUN on the Internet? :P
Ah-ha, this is true. :P


So, some hiatus, huh? :rolleyes:

UPDATE: Unfinished carton script "Soap Box Doiby" released on the Wiki.
I dunno. I like "montage", "videography" and "alternate universe" a lot, though.
My favorite sbemails are probably "fan mail" and "montage".

FUN FACT: The email answered in "montage" was sent by Porplemontage!
Super WaluigiWare said:
FUN FACT: The email answered in "montage" was sent by Porplemontage!
Squee! ;D

That's why I watched it in the first place. It works out, too, cause it's funny!
Link said:
Super WaluigiWare said:
FUN FACT: The email answered in "montage" was sent by Porplemontage!
Squee! ;D

That's why I watched it in the first place. It works out, too, cause it's funny!
Say, that's true, Watered Down.