What's going on?

Time Turner

You are filled with determination. (R/GD/TT)
I can't access the recent changes, and the headers on the main page have no more color.
Headers work for me, but the Recent Changes has an SQL Error, which only the one with full access to MySQL can fix it.
Firefox can't find the server at www.mariowiki.com.

Makes no sense to me since the forum works fine, obviously.
>>Filburt Turtle
The Forums and Wiki is seperate from each other, so it's only logically that the forum works.

After some checking in my Wiki, through command line, I found out that the table "recentchanges" crashed.

Never mind about the example, it was stupid.
While Googling, I found the Bug:
In addition, I found out how to fix this problem, which only someone with full access can fix this:
Seems that it's solved now.
T'was like that for everyone.

If it helps, around the same time, there was a server split on chat.