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  1. Zero

    The official "Hi, I'm new here!" thread

    lol Actually, I don't know if I'll be around here all that often, at least for a while, because soon I'm going to host a decision game roleplay and that's going to take up most of my time, and plus later on school will become a problem, making my "free time" range even smaller.
  2. Zero

    What color Yoshi did you get and what did you name him in Paper Mario 2.

    I got the white Yoshi, so I ended up naming it(he? she? idk) something generic like Silver.
  3. Zero

    The official "Hi, I'm new here!" thread

    Welp, hi. I'm just this normal guy around on the internet that plays video games, mostly on Nintendo consoles. Not sure what else to say, I guess I'm not that good at introductions. ... Yes, I'm a big fan of the Zero Escape series, if you couldn't gather that from my avatar and username. :P