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  1. KarinaTheSammerGirl

    What did you make Cudge say?

    So, what motto did you guys pick to make Cudge shout it out? Being honest, I made him say the F word lol. It was so hilarious. I thought that Nintendo would block curse words in this game, but I guess not.
  2. KarinaTheSammerGirl

    Favorite Sammer Guy?

    Who's your favorite Sammer Guy in the Duel of 100? My personal favorites are Jade Blooper, Mustard of Doom, Swollen Tongue, and Hairy Arantula in the Grass. I like these guys because almost every one of their names is referencing something Mario related to them haha.
  3. KarinaTheSammerGirl

    If you could spend a day with any character...

    And only that character, just chillin' wherever you two would be... who would it be? I'm torn, because I love so many. =P Mimi would be very cool, we could go to the mall and do a little bit of shopping. We could have typical teenage conversations like "Who do you have a crush on" blah blah...
  4. KarinaTheSammerGirl

    What are you thinking right now?

    Just post whatever is on your mind right now... I'm currently wondering about what happened to my avatar o_o I used to have it but it just disappeared... and I also hope to pass my history test tomorrow.
  5. KarinaTheSammerGirl

    Karina's Fan Art Thread

    OK so in this topic I'll be posting fan art based on my favorite games. Most of them will be Paper Mario related, and I will only post the best of my drawings. I love drawing Paper Mario characters in my spare time. I only have three to showcase right now. (Drawings put in spoilers so that the...