Super Mario Boards

Ray Trace
Ray Trace
It's a bittersweet experience to have my sister back.

I couldn't keep myself smiling when she arrived at the doorstep with Mario and Luigi, I have a huge longing to embrace her fully. I want her to continue living in her own with her bf and the paycuts are poop on top of a ridiculously expensive place to live in but I'm so happy we're back together.

It feels weird that she occupies the same room as me once again....though
Ray Trace
Ray Trace
Oh btw the experience taught me one thing about myself.

I don't really express myself all that much on the outside. Like I didn't really say much in departure and I pushed her to go. She was the one who usually called me everyday and usually was the one who initiated discussions on Discord. We even talked about who was harder hit by the separation.

However, I got a lot of dreams about her still being there, her still interacting with me, and they strongly persisted throughout the duration of our time apart. One dream I had recently was me crying myself in my bed over her separation. So, how I take away from this is that internalize emotions a hell lot despite me having trouble expressing myself in words and body language at points especially during emotionally rough moments like the above.
Wario's ass
Wario's ass
Did you enjoy the privacy while you were separated?
Ray Trace
Ray Trace
tbh Im going to miss my own bed schedule and sleep and wake times
Wario's ass
Wario's ass
And now you're literally unsplittable. I mean I can see you're holding those magic chain ring things from Sonic Crackers and can't split up.