Recent content by Chuckles17

  1. Chuckles17

    ok what the hell is happening what are you guys talking about.

    ok what the hell is happening what are you guys talking about.
  2. Chuckles17


  3. Chuckles17

    Count to 1,000,000

  4. Chuckles17

    Count to 420

    404 meals I laced with Ketamine
  5. Chuckles17

    Count to 1,000,000

    Um, it was 25935…
  6. Chuckles17

    That’s exactly what I was thinking!

    That’s exactly what I was thinking!
  7. Chuckles17

    What’s a movie that didn’t need a sequel, got one anyways, and it made the franchise worse?

    What’s a movie that didn’t need a sequel, got one anyways, and it made the franchise worse?
  8. Chuckles17

    Count to 1,000,000

  9. Chuckles17

    I just love being forced to the school computer at times, truly wonderful.

    I just love being forced to the school computer at times, truly wonderful.
  10. Chuckles17

    I just spent 36 dollars on the blue haired fucker from a hit rhythm game I can’t be trusted with...

    I just spent 36 dollars on the blue haired fucker from a hit rhythm game I can’t be trusted with money
  11. Chuckles17

    Switch 2 Name

    You know what. Fair point.
  12. Chuckles17

    Switch 2 Name

    Hear me out, switch advance.
  13. Chuckles17

    I’m out of luck if there is a new console soon

    I’m out of luck if there is a new console soon
  14. Chuckles17

    Hear me out, Shy Guy.

    Hear me out, Shy Guy.
  15. Chuckles17

    Oh god

    Oh god