Recent content by Redyoshi123

  1. Redyoshi123

    Pokémon Sun and Moon

    Re: Pokémon Sun and Moon (Please put leaks and spoilers in spoil boxes!) I have Pokemon Sun already and I chose Litten.
  2. Redyoshi123


    I don't have it but nintendo us making splatoon 2 for the nintendo switch and on mario kart 8 deluxe there is going to be splatoon characters and courses. :yoshi:
  3. Redyoshi123

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    Yesterday I played Scribblenauts unlimited and minecraft.
  4. Redyoshi123

    What is your favourite minecraft mob

    Tell me what is your favourite minecraft mob. My favourite is the horse.
  5. Redyoshi123

    What is your favourite Pokémon of all time?

    My favourite Pokemon of all time is rapidash!!![img][/rapidash]
  6. Redyoshi123

    Rank your 3DS games

    Mine are Pokemon Sun, Super Mario maker for the Nintendo 3ds and Yo-kai watch.
  7. Redyoshi123

    Yoshi's woolly world

    :yoshi: :yoshi: :yoshi: