Recent content by RSupertheGreat

  1. RSupertheGreat

    School stuff

    Just got 3A 2C 1D on my Mid-Year Test. The D I got is my Math paper 2 (yeah, I sucked at Math). I hope I will get a better test grade for End-Year Test.
  2. RSupertheGreat

    The joke thread. ( Puns and Wordplay are welcome)

    "So there are 7 caterpillars are out in the harbour." "Yes, they're all small and what happen to the caterpillars if they don't come back!" "They all are around, yes you're right. They might be small, and the harbour is big."
  3. RSupertheGreat

    Your current mood.

    i'm feeling happy right now
  4. RSupertheGreat

    type your username without looking at the screen or the keyboard

    RSupertheGreat okay that's great
  5. RSupertheGreat

    Usernames combine!

  6. RSupertheGreat

    Your current mood.

    A 12% stressed. I'm a bit bored today.
  7. RSupertheGreat

    What are you listening to right now? (PLEASE put videos behind spoiler tags)

    Since I read a thread that notes me to put video(s) behind spoiler so I do this even it's one video.
  8. RSupertheGreat

    The Nostalgia Thread

    My first day of playing games IIRC, when I was aged 4 years old. I think it's a flash game or real game.
  9. RSupertheGreat

    Post screenshots of your desktop.

    I thought that my screenshot/picture would be huge so I would put them in spoiler.
  10. RSupertheGreat

    I have a new/avatar/sig/whatever.

    (You already notice that I've changed my signature) Not much should i say with my sig, first off i have three userbars but i thought it will be a huge(350 x 19, does it sounds like it huge?). and i made 5(iirc) icons to make my signature looks simple. :yoshi:
  11. RSupertheGreat

    What inspired YOUR username?

    My first username is started with my real life's name. At first I was interested with a game called Angry Birds POP!, and my name would be RSuper cheerPOPStar. For now, my username is with "theGreat".
  12. RSupertheGreat

    The official "Hi, I'm new here!" thread

    Hi, I'm RSuper from SMBX forum. I'm 11 years old girl. I'm a noble and nice person who likes to help, I'm quick thinker and almost knows anything. I often come here and other forums because I don't know what should I do except for the forums that I know. Okay that's all.