Lorenz Hellman Gloucester

My name is Wowenz Hewwman Gwoucestew. You wiww want to wemembew it. We've much to discuss, but fiwst, wet us dispense with the wiff-waff. It is a nobwe's duty, aftew aww. Wet us get to the fiwst fowmawity at hand. A wefined nobwe such as mysewf, weww, just enduwges in the divine gift that awe gamew giww feet.
It is a twue dewicacy to devouw the pwesence of said tweat, you unfowtunate commonew. You said youw name was Byweth? Say, wouwd you mind to take off youw boots? You've just wetuwned fwom a busy day, I pwesume...?
above you

