Super Mario Boards

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G Major Steven Stone
G Major Steven Stone
Wow this was even worse than I expected by a severe extent. Even with Reko's "acting in an inappropriate manner" comment I misread that as that he was just flaming someone, not something vastly worse like this. @Magolor04726 Thank you for redirecting me to the right thread.
Yikes. I don't fully understand everything (and I don't think I want to) but it seems like something horrible. Now there's one question left: who will host TKG now? He was supposed to work with LTQ to host the game, but now that this happed, what now? The obvious solution is that a previous host will fill in the slot, but idk.
Waluigi Time
Waluigi Time
It'll be fine, don't worry about it. In any case, this is a very serious situation and "what will happen to this event" isn't exactly a big deal right now.
G Major Steven Stone
G Major Steven Stone
@Kirbyo Even saying "I don't want to fully understand everything" is a poor attitude in a situation like this where you should always try to make yourself as informed as possible of when people are being irredeemable and abhorrent like him. When the mods didn't fully understand everything Lord Bowser got away with every pathetic thing he did
No I mean idk what some of those terms mean and I feel like I definitely shouldn't know, so I wont. And yea, worrying about an event isn't that big of a deal.
Gay Rights Luigi
Gay Rights Luigi
sigh this whole situation is reminding me of something that happened with me with another member

I'm glad lb is gone
Pink Cat
Pink Cat
The dude is better off forgotten, what we learn from his behavior and how to combat it and comfort the victims is not
Lin Beifong
Lin Beifong
@Gray Discord You know, maybe it's not such a good idea to tell a minor they should read up on all the details that lead up to this, ESPECIALLY considering the kid-unfriendly nature of the stuff this guy got up to.

The mods have chosen to word their announcement the way they did to minimize damage to kids while still warning them away from the danger. Please think about the situation before you goad a minor into diving into this quagmire by accusing them of a poor attitude. It's plenty disturbing already even if you're an adult, and some of this does not need to be fully examined by kids.
I'm going to echo the exact sentiments of what Edo posted above, but as an official moderator statement. This situation shouldn't be fully explored by everyone, especially young minors. Let it rest here