help from anyone who understands japanese/has the japanese love live app

Lily x

on the japanese love live app i can't work out what a few achievements are asking me to do, as while i can guess most of them with these i am stumped so can someone help translate

this one:

The top on in this screenshot:

and the bottom one in this screenshot:
"raise club member's special move to at least 2"
"clear live (ライブ) 100 times"
"in general life invitation (一般生勧誘), invite 200 people"

well it means nothing to me, but maybe itll help you
2257 said:
"raise club member's special move to at least 2"
"clear live (ライブ) 100 times"
"in general life invitation (一般生勧誘), invite 200 people"

well it means nothing to me, but maybe itll help you
that does help me
thank you