Hurt and Heal Duel: The Undertaker vs Raven

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Wait but that would mean the Undertaker would be on there twice correct

WWE Champion The Undertaker: 27
NWA World Heavyweight Champion Raven: 3
I think he'll be in both Volumes 3 and 4.

WWE Champion The Undertaker: 28
NWA World Heavyweight Champion Raven: 2
I want Raven to be in one

WWE Champion The Undertaker: 28
NWA World Heavyweight Champion Raven: 4
He is. He's in volume 3 because he won the NWA game.

WWE Champion The Undertaker: 28
NWA World Heavyweight Champion Raven: 2
Wait they combine KO a Character and Hurt and Heals for that game cause than the Undertakers going to be in the next 3

WWE Champion The Undertaker: 28
NWA World Heavyweight Champion Raven: 4
Yes but he won't be in three in a row. Hell he might not even be in Volume 4.

Both of these guys (plus Ivan or whoever) will be in Volume 3 for sure.

WWE Champion The Undertaker: 28
NWA World Heavyweight Champion Raven: 2
Ivan the Russian Bear Koloff he was an old school wrestler who served as a transitional champion between Bruno and Pedro Morlas

WWE Champion The Undertaker: 28
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