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  1. AintMyFault

    Why not?

    So this is a game in which someone writes non emojis and the next person guesses. EXAMPLE: urmumsy: :-X :mario: ermegurdplesstahp: Shut Up Mario :waluigi: :lol: JakePaulerDissTrack: Waluigi Made A Joke :wario: SsssssssssssssS: Wario
  2. AintMyFault

    Hot Records (Reboot)-First Public Veiwing

    So as you may or may not know I signed up for The Shroom. I decided to make a test article to see how you guys enjoy it. -------- Hello and welcome to Hot Records! Today we are reviewing Jimmy T's newest album called "Disco Fever...Jimmy T's Greatest Hits!" This album was fine but that title...
  3. AintMyFault

    Super Mario Stories-Season 1 Trailer/AMA

    So while this hasn't been formally announced. This is a story IN THE FORUMS that will be a darker Mario. It's like Riverdale but for Mario and not as dark. If you're wondering why it's in the forums it's so people can instantly react. The first season'll have 13 episodes. TRAILER: BOWSER...