Recent content by YE360

  1. YE360

    Project 132 (beta)

    Re: Project 132 - PART 3: PLANETARY DEVASTATION HAS BEGUN Figured I should butt in, seeing as I'm the guy that "Tuck" is based on. So heya. Y'all aren't actually the only two who read this thing; I do too and it turns me on. I feel compelled to remind you that Tabs already wrote a thing...
  2. YE360

    A Friendly Reminder to Userpedian Writers

    Why doesn't everyone know this?
  3. YE360

    Project 132 (beta)

    Re: Project 132 - Introducing a reboot of three other reboots - Sign-ups are open! As am I.
  4. YE360

    The Flood - original episodic fiction by Tabuu and YE360

    Oh, good. Especially because the amount of times that I will utter the word "fuck" will likely be kind of immense, as it is on Fantendo.
  5. YE360

    The Flood - original episodic fiction by Tabuu and YE360

    Actually, my work is nothing compared to his; I just have ideas and a lot of free time. I believe we met on Fantendo...? I think it was Fantendo. I'm an admin there, my most notable contributions being a genuinely awful 42-chapter fanfiction and a successful series of fangames that never...
  6. YE360

    The Flood - original episodic fiction by Tabuu and YE360

    This is all indeed happening. Also hello Marioboards.