Recent content by CrystalKoopa42

  1. CrystalKoopa42

    Super Mario Mon! "Pokemon Mario-ized!" (Playable download inside)

    Lol two of my favorite games :)
  2. CrystalKoopa42

    Your favorite Quotes in video games...

    We shave around here minions! ~Bowser, Super Paper Mario (I think) I don't know why that always makes my friends and I laugh. We yell it at each other all the time :D
  3. CrystalKoopa42

    a mario musical

    I was once in a musical my friend made for a school project(I don't go to the same school) and we were all dressed up as video game characters(she picked the parts, I was Bowser Jr. cause my hair can go in a ponytail and it looked like his hair ;D) and we would randomly break into song to annoy...
  4. CrystalKoopa42

    Make your own Mario character!

    Name: Crystal Koopa Relation: Not really that I can think of :P Side: :bowser:'s never any other side Description: KInda looks like Ludwig von Koopa but with neon green hair and dark blue skin, two visible fangs on each corner of her mouth, eerie icy blue eyes, and a red hibiscus flower in...