

I have serious problems with homework. I always procrastinate on it and end up getting up at 5 in the morning to do it. My teacher does not overload homework, but too much for me to comprehend to do after I get home, especially on Wednesdays. I have the worst problem with homework on Wednesdays because I go to my grandmas house until six at night, and when I get home, I am exhausted. I was so exhausted from getting to do my homework this morning, with me panicking and not sleeping in enough, I took a nap for almost two hours after school. Gosh dang, I will not survive the year.
I'm going to assume from what you said that you're in eighth grade, same as I. I've found at this point that the best thing to do is to eat something and drink a glass of water to wake myself up, and then just try to get it over with in one fell swoop. If the homework ends up taking over an hour, I tend to take a small break and do something else for a small spell. I don't know if you've tried that before, but it's helped me, especially since last year I would do my homework the morning of.
Roserade said:
I'm going to assume from what you said that you're in eighth grade, same as I. I've found at this point that the best thing to do is to eat something and drink a glass of water to wake myself up, and then just try to get it over with in one fell swoop. If the homework ends up taking over an hour, I tend to take a small break and do something else for a small spell. I don't know if you've tried that before, but it's helped me, especially since last year I would do my homework the morning of.

Be surprised, by I am a few grades down from 8th. I am different from the kids in my school, trust me.
these 2 weeks i had 5 summatives, and i'm currently finishing up 2 of them while studying for 4 exams.
There's a reason why I'm not excited for high school
i have three labs this semester

each with their own pre- and post-lab reports that each take an hour to complete and are frustrating as heck

plus ~18 hours of regular class per week

plus any assigned homework (especially from my spanish ii teacher who really likes busywork) and studying for tests which will be coming soon

sleep is joy

edit: don't forget work, which always seems to schedule my hours at the least opportune times when i'm studying for a test or writing a paper or whatever
I love homework so much, I'm so proud of all of the 20+ page research papers I had to do even though they were a struggle because I would exceed the 25-page upper limit and have to sacrifice large sections.

I was the fastest at those multiplication table sheet things in 2nd grade and continued to be until the 2nd half of 3rd grade when billy moved in from the city where they already taught higher multiplication and he would be in hot competition with me in the race game things but I always won anyways because if you finish faster you get to play the spelling and math computer games sooner and for longer.
Vikavolt said:
Omega have you considered getting a tutor?

I am fine, I just hate homework and have too much to ,do after school. Like play video games, eat, sleep, ah, when I think about it, I just hate homework, but seriously, sometimes the assignments are crazy. At least I get good grades from doing homework and using my lucky coins. Seriously, I got an A on my history test lately. NOOOOOOICE
OmegaVenomous said:
Vikavolt said:
Omega have you considered getting a tutor?

I am fine, I just hate homework and have too much to ,do after school. Like play video games, eat, sleep, ah, when I think about it, I just hate homework, but seriously, sometimes the assignments are crazy. At least I get good grades from doing homework and using my lucky coins. Seriously, I got an A on my history test lately. NOOOOOOICE
How about don't play video games.
GalacticPetey said:
OmegaVenomous said:
Vikavolt said:
Omega have you considered getting a tutor?

I am fine, I just hate homework and have too much to ,do after school. Like play video games, eat, sleep, ah, when I think about it, I just hate homework, but seriously, sometimes the assignments are crazy. At least I get good grades from doing homework and using my lucky coins. Seriously, I got an A on my history test lately. NOOOOOOICE
How about don't play video games.


I will watch TV instead.
when i was younger i always went to my grandma's house as well. i would do my homework first thing, and then talk with her, watch some game shows, play wii, have dinner, and then go home.

if you get your homework out of the way, you can do anything you want to do. i accidentally stopped prioritizing my homework this year due to mental health and it's been so painful. i know for next semester to always do homework right as i get home, and do everything else later. you won't regret it.

i'm not saying this to be a mean person who wants you to only work, but i'm saying do your homework right as you get home because it will take a heavy load off your back and you'll be happier. seriously.
Well it's rather fun when you have (or should I say had since things are changing all to rapidly) to juggle XC, TF, and band along with all the Seniorly duties (like none) in high school. Fitting that all in with Game modding, video gaming, drawing, and biking, homework is something teachers understand. They are just like, "do it, don't do it, I ain't checking it, it's for your own good." "We understand your busy but here's a 50 pound weight for you to be overwhelmed about and come to school with it all completed realizing oh that's not due today, there was never a due date for it."

Homework is only bad if you really don't understand it and then you just give up simply because you don't know one single problem
Stargazing said:
when i was younger i always went to my grandma's house as well. i would do my homework first thing, and then talk with her, watch some game shows, play wii, have dinner, and then go home.

if you get your homework out of the way, you can do anything you want to do. i accidentally stopped prioritizing my homework this year due to mental health and it's been so painful. i know for next semester to always do homework right as i get home, and do everything else later. you won't regret it.

i'm not saying this to be a mean person who wants you to only work, but i'm saying do your homework right as you get home because it will take a heavy load off your back and you'll be happier. seriously.

Congrats on graduating!

Also, Fukanona, homework is going to get tougher and more annoying the older you get. It is best to prioritize as someone else mentioned in here. Start making "TO DO" lists and check off assignments each time you do one. It's a good habit to get into. :) And good luck to you.

I have some homework I need to be doing myself, which includes reading some chapters for two quizzies next week. I hate quizzies. And I have a reflection paper to do for my special education inclusion class. :P