Real-Life Photos

one more random picture

Taking the time to make a post about one of the few bright spots of this year. Took an arranged weekend trip to Miami back in July. These are photos I took of South Beach. It was nice salty water. When we got there, it started to storm before we were able to get in, but an hour later it cleared up. It was so great that we went again early the next morning before we left. Kinda wish I took more pictures of the places we walked around at in that area.

(I really should have took the pictures on my phone sideways).
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Taking the time to make a post about one of the few bright spots of this year. Took an arranged weekend trip to Miami back in July. These are photos I took of South Beach. It was nice salty water. When we got there, it started to storm before we were able to get in, but an hour later it cleared up. It was so great that we went again early the next morning before we left. Kinda wish I took more pictures of the places we walked around at in that area.

(I really should have took the pictures on my phone sideways).

I don't think your pictures show up but maybe it's just me lol.
Anyways, my town's postal service has recently adopted quite a few mail vehicles, resulting in quite the mix. It's quite rural, so I'm surprised we've got at least one Mercedes Metris van. This picture shows a few vehicles out of the postal fleet.

From left to right, a Grumman LLV, which I know we have a few of, a Mercedes Metris, two Ram ProMasters, and a Dodge Grand Caravan. A Grand Caravan delivers on my street every morning. Cool to see so much variety in one town.

Nothing better than a lake on a summer evening. I got bored so I put a early 2000s style copyright on it for fun, I think it looks nice. Plus, wouldn't want anyone selling my pic to a calendar company or anything 🤣
This is an image of my Mario figurines from my Mario Christmas calendar for 2023! As you can see, there are also Pokémon figurines from another Christmas calendar from 2022. To the left you can see a PAC-MAN arcade machine that is not plugged in.

There's more stuff you can see, but enjoy the image!

This is a long-sleeved shirt I have that is based on Mario Kart. It being in Japanese is a nice touch.

A short-sleeved Mario Kart themed shirt that I forgot I had. Now in English!
I have a Bowser shirt somewhere, but I don't know where I put it. I'll find it eventually!
Um idk if I'm allowed to triple post (if not, sorry) but I'm currently on vacation in Nova Scotia and the sunset last night was pretty awesome
I guess my new camera takes pictures too large to show on here so you'll be seeing a lot of these links
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