Super Mario Wiki Steam group

I'm getting Poker Night at the Inventory tonight. The reason I've been waiting is that I want to make sure I don't get it right before it goes on a flash sale or something
I just got a new laptop so I may start playing steam more often.

That 5 hours I've got logged into playing TF2 is solely comprised of loading screens, menus and crashes, which hopefully won't happen on my new PC.

I also got the Sonic franchise bundle. I've been able to download and play all of them except for Sonic Adventure 2, which seems to be a problem that is happening for everyone and I'll just have to wait it out.
SKmarioman said:
That 5 hours I've got logged into playing TF2 is solely comprised of loading screens, menus and crashes, which hopefully won't happen on my new PC.

I know what you mean; a few hours of my playtime are solely loading screens as well, because back when I played TF2 on my Netbook, it ran horribly.
My RL friend Scott gifted me Dota 2 today. I didn't even ask! I thanked hin and he said it is a good game so I will probably try it tommorow.
Welp, looks like Steam had an update. Not only is it available for Linux now, but apparently you can view old chat logs from the past few days when clicking on a person to chat. That'll be very useful if I accidentally click out of a chat (which I tend to do a lot)
the mobile client keeps chat logs from the beginning of time
Rejoined as Disaster Hearts. Made a new account until I can get around to fixing my Gmail account so it'll let me login to my old account >_>

Only using on kindle fire atm, so no games which means I can't send friend invites

I can be found in the SMW group or on RiseUpAboveIt's friends list. Hooray for an Arcy plug!
Yeah, any controller will work on Big Picture, but it's recommended an Xbox 360 one because it's easier that way.
So I downloaded Steam for my new computer. It can run TF2, though I don't have any other games, but I might be more active on Steam now.