Is Mario better in 2D or 3D

If we're talking platformers strictly, the 2D and 3D games have different philosophies. The 2D platformers are more about testing the skill of the player through a specific challenges that the player needs to solve, whereas the 3D games are more about exploration of the environment and player expression through the moveset. That isn't to say that there's not crossover between the two in design philosophy, it's just that they focus more heavily in different areas.

Personally, I like 3D Mario games a little more, but I appreciate 2D games too.
It's hard for me to say, as I adored SMB2, SM64DS, NSMBWii and SM3DW for their own reasons. Generally though, the 3D Mario platformers are pretty unmatched in terms of overall quality (like the closest biggest competitors are Crash and Sonic, though the latter case has inconsistent quality), the 2D Mario platformers on the other hand have plenty of competition (Kirby, Rayman, Donkey Kong) and dare I say have overall better games than them.
It's hard for me to say, as I adored SMB2, SM64DS, NSMBWii and SM3DW for their own reasons. Generally though, the 3D Mario platformers are pretty unmatched in terms of overall quality (like the closest biggest competitors are Crash and Sonic, though the latter case has inconsistent quality), the 2D Mario platformers on the other hand have plenty of competition (Kirby, Rayman, Donkey Kong) and dare I say have overall better games than them.
Based on this, 3D Mario games are objectively better since the 3D Sonic and Crash games are generally worse.
Idk man I'd rather play Sonic Adventure 2 than the original Super Mario 64 if I were to be brutally honest. As said, hugely inconsistent quality.
I'm kind of on the fence regarding this, I really like the Paper games such as color splash (3D) but I also like the New super mario series (2D) and one of my favorites, SPM, is a mix of both, Mario is Mario, and Mario is fun.
I was a kid in the 90s. I remember being blown away by Mario 64. I have loved 3d platformers ever since. Im hoping some sctions of the overworld map of Super Mario Wonder have "3D" sections similar to Mario maker Wii U
2D is good if they do it right, but in the future there's more potential for 3D Mario games.
Well, for one thing, 2D games don't really showcase a new console's graphical capabilities anymore, like Mario games have always done to some extent. When the next Nintendo console comes out, I want to see Mario running around in nice-looking PS4-level graphics. Of course, 2D games have the potential for pure fun, but in terms of innovation, 3D games have the upper hand. That doesn't mean I don't like 2D Mario games, though.
In a 3D adventure/action/platforming game, you kind of need adequate spacing between points of interest to keep stuff from feeling congested and distracting. One way to work around this is having buildings as locations, like in Luigi's Mansion or Hotel Delfino where there is plenty of potential for cool exploration, action, and even platforming, like in Big Boo's Haunt in SM64. I would love to see another Peach's Castle-based game Mario game, possibly with other castles as worlds or stages. I feel like Nintendo hasn't fully explored the potential of environmental creativity in Mario games, and I'd be happy with more of it in 2D or 3D.
Graphics should warrant a "yup, checks out with me" with the focus on game design and overall feel
thought you were being sarcastic in response, making a point against graphics
Graphics are a hugely integral part of game design and it's so common to see people in Nintendo-centric circles to handwave it away as if it isn't all that important or that all you need is "stylization" to beat it. Thing is, you still need a powerful console to render even a good stylization!

It's very hard to tell that you're joking because legit people seriously say that sort of thing and think that graphical fidelity isn't a legit thing to discuss about in games.