Ask the next user a question

Mega Man 4.

Where's Old Man Jenkins?
probably Magnamus (just kidding I know just enough about DND to know what the acronym stands for).

What's the best kind of taxes?
Nonexistent ones

Who is your favorite youtuber?
You know, that guy who does the stuff, yeah that guy. The one who makes videos.

How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a would chuck could chuck wood
Not very high. Not even sure that counts as a fall.

If you could work for any foe in any video game, then who?
Would Shadow count? (If he does, bet)

What's your favorite soda?

What is a video game you plan to never play?
2, here and Mexico.

If you had to pick a path, would you take path 1, 2, or 3?

What is your favorite Mario soundtrack?