The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Re: Zelda (Wii U)

Armin Arlert said:
^I still don't get how that relates to anything.

The SSB4 trailer for Palutena was using the same bow as the one in the Zelda trailer, plus the style of the sword (especially how it's lighting up) looks like it'd come from this game. I wouldn't be surprised if one of the swords in Zelda Wii U actually looked like this and he was left-handed.
Re: Zelda (Wii U)

Armin Arlert said:
It was a similar bow, but there are major differences in the bow's design that shows that they are not the same bow.

Looking at it again, yeah, but the huge difference in animation style doesn't make that surprising, and the way the bow's arrow lights up definitely resembles Link's sword in the screenshot, though. And the sword shown in Brawl definitely looked a lot like the one showed in Twilight Princess, which is what they mainly based him off of if I recall right, so it's fairly probable that sword's design in SSB4 will have some relevance in this game.
Re: Zelda (Wii U)

Looks like the game will feature a new villain, and from the description a new Link.
Re: Zelda (Wii U)

DragonFreak said:
Yeah, the mention of seeing Ganon in captivity (lol yeah right) pretty much means s/he is a minion. Pretty much will be like another Ghirahim.

Or Zant. Ghirahim copied Zant's "seems like main villain but turns out to just be minion" thing for the record.

I honestly think that Ganon should be the main boss of this game. I mean, don't use him too much, but when he was the final boss in TP, it was because he was like the main villain within the last 5-6 games around that time. Until ALBW came out, it was 7 years since Ganondorf. Technically Yuga was the real final boss in ALBW, so if you count it, it'll be probably 9 years since Ganon's last appearance.
Re: Zelda (Wii U)

Yeah, I'd be fine with Ganondorf being the villain again.

You could count Demise as Ganondorf, sort of. Ganondorf is technically him reincarnated.
Re: Zelda (Wii U)

eh i'd like a new villain or at least a new ganondorf design. his design has gotten kinda boring. ghirahim and demise at least looked cool
Re: Zelda (Wii U)

I would rather not see motion controls, at least for the swordplay.
Re: Zelda (Wii U)

Considering it's being made for the Wii U, I think the Gamepad will be the most focused on controller.
Re: Zelda (Wii U)

Well if they don't use the Gamepad I'll be shocked and disappointed
Re: Zelda (Wii U)

DaKid said:
I hope they bring back motion controls as an option but this will most likely be based completely around the gameplay.


oh wait ive been banned from this thread i forgot

Re: Zelda (Wii U)

On a note, I would like to see a Zelda game based more on Japanese culture. It would be very interesting.

The more animesque Link seems to reinforce this.
Re: Zelda (Wii U)

it's pretty heavily implied that they're in love in skyward sword. but that's the skyward sword incarnations, of course

who knows. the new incarnations may be enemies. it differs from game to game
Re: Zelda (Wii U)

Nabber said:
it's pretty heavily implied that they're in love in skyward sword. but that's the skyward sword incarnations, of course

who knows. the new incarnations may be enemies. it differs from game to game

Not to mention in Spirit Tracks they were shipped pretty hard, especially since they hold hands at the end of the game.

And I guess it wouldn't be bad, as I definitely would fangirl over it, but I would hope that it would feel forced, and knowing Zelda's role in most of the Zelda games, I think it'll feel out of place unless you get to see a lot of Link x Zelda stuff.
Re: Zelda (Wii U)

DragonFreak said:
Honestly, the thought of Link x Zelda is not really appealing to me, for deeply personal reasons.
Really? Something as silly and harmless as a video game ship?
Re: Zelda (Wii U)

DragonFreak said:
If you must know, I really prefer Link gay. Um, yeah pretty much it.
In all honesty, I thought I was the only one who thought this.
I don't even play the Legend of Zelda (yet), I actually see Link as gay.