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  • my theory as to why the audio quality in Smahd ultimate sucks is because they're going to release an album featuring CD quality audio of the music in the game and they lowered the quality of the in-game audio in an attempt to stop people from ripping the audio directly from the game

    and it's absolutely not because they tried to fit over 1000 songs into one game, nope, not at all
    my favourite sonic song is the one by powerman 5000
    My favorite sonic song is team chaotix by gunnar nelson.
    the reason sonic games are bad is because most of the budget goes to hiring musicians to play instruments

    note: this is just speculation (and also probably a joke)
    • Haha
    Reactions: Vivian
    the instrument of voice. Quite a rarity in gaming.
    My favourite thing about Nintendo not releasing their music on streaming services is that it means I get to make jokes about the fact that Super Mario Compact Disco is one of the two official Mario soundtracks on those services.

    In fact, they even remastered it a few months ago! How nice of them.
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    I love that album. If it's on Deezer, I'd might give the remastered version a go.
    reminder a weird Mario Kart spin-off came out this year

    you probably didn't even know it released already, and you probably also forgot about it after it was announced, but it was thing, and it happened
    • Like
    Reactions: Hooded Pitohui
    I want one.
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    That game is too expensive and a bit of a pain to set up to play with so that's the main reason I pass. It would have been an excellent Christmas present if I was still ten though...
    I'm guessing it won't do anything without the toys if you do download it though
    do you ever just accidently update your switch
    the button looks ok to me, but my god i hate it. im used to pressing the news icon immediately when i start up my switch, and i just keep accidentally pressing the nso button
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    Absolutely do, but never before atmosphere updates.

    I want a home theme that removes the NSO icon, I don't want to pay for your stupid scamjob of a service Nintendo and I never will.
    I only get NSO for online play. Just keep online pay free and have the other NSO features for the knuckleheads who want them.
    after some research, I have decided that Kazuki Katsuta is the best thing to happen to the Mario series, he played the Alto Sax in both Dolphin Shoals, and Big Blue.

    Those are also his only contributions, but I dare you to find anything better then that.
    he also played the Tenor in this:

    not Mario but still good music
    do you ever just feel like renaming the file extension for one of the files in SRB2K from .kart to .pk3, and then it opens perfectly fine in slade as if a .kart file is the same as a .pk3

    because that's what I just did.
    don't edit patch.kart though, the game doesn't like that
    I've did my share of renaming file extensions before. Like some game files are actually like this; stage prm in Smash Ultimate are like ".stprm" but they're the same file as ".prm". Oh, also, I accidentally saved a nus3audio as "idsp" but just changed to nus3audio to have it work. :P But yeah I've renamed that file extension before, dunno why it was named like that in the first place, though.
    I predict there will be a new collection of Sonic music released on streaming services today.
    I am right, however I didn't predict there would only be one song not on there yet and am now sad.
    it has just occurred to me I am 1 post away from 4000 posts, so I will now only make profile posts until I answer my ask thread as the 4000th post

    in other words I'm never posting outside of my profile ever again
    At this point I'm pretty sure I've modded every single Nintendo console I own.

    Except for the Wii U, but that's the Wii U so it doesn't matter.
    can't wait to listen to the new Daft Punk album

    wait what do you mean it released seven year ago
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