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  • are you on your phone during class
    I'm not sure whether or not this is a serious post, so I'm just going to say that I can't possibly be at School due to the fact that they're all still closed due to the pandemic.
    ohhhh you don't get the meme that's associated with the sig you're using :(


    don't worry, I don't know much about it either except it popped up a lot on my results for "mario meme" and my brain was a casualty and is still recovering
    I just realised Mr. Krabs has a nose, and now I've stopped liking how he looks.
    at least patrick doesnt have one

    unless it's so tiny that you need to zoom in on him to see it
    Remember that one episode where Patrick had plastic surgery and got a nose? I mean, that episode was just... bad.
    SEGA, I swear, just release the albums already.
    SEGA Sound Selection 2 (also include Let's Go Away in low quality!)
    Non-Stop Selection Vol. 2
    Sonic the Hedgehog DJ Style "Party"

    All three of these include songs from games which have not received album releases on streaming services. The last one is particular annoying as many of the songs aren't in full, have been edited, and have parts of other songs mixed into them, yet it has the most unreleased songs out of all of the albums.

    So to add onto the list of games they have the music for, have released songs from, but won't release the album for we have:
    Sonic Mania
    Sonic Generations (Vol. 2 & 3)
    Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Games (!)
    Sonic Spinball
    Sonic 3D Blast (Genesis)
    Sonic Rush Adventure
    Sonic the Hedgehog 3(!)
    Sonic & Knuckles(!)

    The games with '(!)' are probably not on the platform due to copyright, but the rest they should presumably have no issue releasing. In fact I know there isn't an issue for some of these songs, as two of those albums (Rush Adventure, and Generation Vol. 2) were previously available, and Sonic Mania is actually available on iTunes. I managed to find a link for Sonic Rush, which means it's still up from when it was on these platforms, but not listenable. From some comments I've read on Hideki Naganuma's Twitter (which is actually how I found the link), Sonic Generations Vol. 2 and Sonic Rush are actually still available in Japan, so I can only assume the same applies for Sonic Rush Adventure.
    Are you back to reclaim the backpockets or what

    Yes I still have many questions about this
    Nobody: Overused unfunny and overly formulaic memes don't exist.

    Overused unfunny and overly formulaic memes: haha, unfunny joke go brrrrrrrrr
    Frosties (or Corn Flakes with sugar on in general) I feel are a bit overrated. They just taste like cardboard most of the time, which gets rid of the flavour of Corn Flakes, removing the most appealing aspect of them. Crunchy Nut is the superior variant of Corn Flakes in my opinion, and one of the best cereals.
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    Reactions: Peachette
    Turkish Bottle Thing
    Turkish Bottle Thing
    You may not like them but I can't think of a grrrrrreater food mascot than Tony the Tiger, the most memorable one out there.
    Will Smith/Men in Black is the most underrated contestant in both SiIvaGunner: King for a Day tournaments.
    Why do the only remaining uploads of the soundtrack for Super Smash Bros. 4 and Ultimate on YouTube have a bit rate of 5 bits/s? I can actually here the compression in some of these songs, it's that bad.

    I'd love to give you the dumped files and tell you to install foobar with the vgmstream plugin or maybe just listen to music on SmashCustomMusic (if the quality is good, I haven't checked; please download all you can since there's always the chance for the site to be taken down ... again) but I don't know how big all the files combined are and I'm not really supposed to be sharing uncompressed proprietary files (.nus3audio) tho.
    I literally just downloaded Foobar and VGMStream, and tested it on a random .BRSTM I have lying around on my PC.
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    I tend to use BrawlBox for listening to BRSTMs but yeah, that works too.
    Did you know statuses don't add to the post count, but any reactions you get on them add to your reaction score?

    This means that theoretically, a user could have a reaction score while still having their post count at zero. I would test this, but that would require me making a sockpuppet, and asking for likes, which would be breaking two rules at once.
    I think I like PAC-MAN (the character). There's just something about a goofy bright yellow ball who constantly has a grin on his face that appeals to me. Even in Smash, he often looks more surprised then angry or hurt.

    Also yes, this does mean I've had a character in my sig for a while without actually knowing whether or not I like them.
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    Very pleased to see him every time you post, yeah.
    hes actually the embodiment of friend shape i love him
    Turkish Bottle Thing
    Turkish Bottle Thing
    His expressiveness is cool but he's also literally a head with arms and legs. He also doesn't wear pants so of course she'll hate him.

    Aaaaaand I've just realized these posts I'm commenting on from your profile are 2 weeks to a month old and I didn't notice that. Oops.
    Is it weird that I'm more comfortable going back to this name then my original username?
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    I love being Ray Trace right now, he's probably my favorite character, with the amount of attention I'm giving him and how much he appears in my modded games and how he appears in my signature. Though admittedly calling him my favorite is a bit unfair to Baby Luigi, since he's basically just a personalized version of Baby Luigi.
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    Reactions: Blue
    Turkish Bottle Thing
    Turkish Bottle Thing
    Honestly I prefer Jinborov Karnovski a lot more than Saltman. I guess fire breathing demigod mongolian strongmen are more memorable than salt shakers alright.
    I like Link327 better
    Did you know there's Mario & Sonic music on Spotify? SEGA released a compilation album entitled 'Non-Stop Music Selection Vol. 1', which is compilation of music from the Sonic series, and one of the songs is 'Run Through The Speed Highway - Hybrid Mix', which is from Sochi 2014.
    I've been playing a lot of Mr. Game & Watch recently, and I think the only thing that needs to be changed is his Up-Air. His F-Air is fine, I do like his old one, but they're both so different I can't say prefer one over the other. His Up-Air is almost useless, it can't be comboed out of, and it doesn't kill, making I really situational and awkward move to use. His old Up-Air, while inconsistent, at least was able to kill.

    At this point I'm starting to consider making him my main again. I may or may not have overreacted to his changes for the past year.
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    Reactions: Polterpup
    his up air seems alright from what I've seen of Maister, he usually uses it to juggle characters that attempt to fall from above and that sort of conditions them to approach diagonally so he can catch them with bair or fair.

    but Maister is also just really good, he makes g dubs look busted.
    I love playing as Mr. Game & Watch! In Smash for 3DS, he's my 4th favourite playable character.
    Mr. Game & Watch has a juggling play style. I like using uair to rack up damage from a safe distance and pressure characters, and it's more ranged than nair. Up B is his most annoying but effective kit, so use it and watch others curse.
    New and improved SEGA Fighting Game roster:


    -New title: SEGA All-Stars Fighting Megamix
    -Replaced Nei with Rika, as they're the same but Rika has a claw
    -Added Micheal Jackson because he had a game for the Genesis
    -Added Max from the original Shining Force
    -Replaced Akira Howard from Astral Chain with Akira Yuki from Virtua Fighter
    -Added Micheal Hardy from Virtua Cop
    -Added Tempo
    -Added Yu Narukami from Persona 4 because Joker from Persona 5 is in Smash.
    -Replaced Burning Rangers with Shou Amabane because I did some research on the game
    -Replaced ChuChu Team with ChuChu
    -Added Pudding from Space Channel 5 as a clone of Ulala
    -Added Space Marine from Warhammer 40,000 because SEGA owns the publishing rights for the Dawn of War series
    -Added Selvaria Bles from Valkyria Chronicles
    -Added Cougar I from Border Break
    -Added Yuri from Chain Chronicles
    Who's your favourite Power Ranger?
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    Reactions: Peachette
    I'm tryna remember if I always played Yellow or Pink in the SNES game. It's one of those two.
    I like the pink one.
    Tommy Oliver whether he be the OG green ranger, white ranger, red zeo ranger or black dino ranger. I haven't watched the show in forever but I remember him being cool.

    Also the red ranger from Time Force was also pretty cool.
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    Reactions: SGoW
    Little Planet is at the centre of the Death Egg, and is what is used to power it.

    This isn't canon, I just needed somewhere to post this headcanon.
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