Sir Pentious

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  • Think it might be time for a Konosuba theme on This Wonderful Account. What do you guys think?
    Just change your username. No one will hear it.
    Hey. I'd like to recommend a small YouTuber named Rooples. They make hilarious ai president anime battle videos
    My dad got me Tears of the Kingdom, so I've started playing it over the past few days. Pretty fun. Not very far in, though, so no spoilers
    By the way, I just got a prescription for glasses cause my left eye is extremely nearsighted

    So uh that's a thing now
    My arm and mouth was numb for a bit this morning. Thought I was having a stroke or something, but apparently it's just a migraine
    Hey, hey! Come over here! Check it out! I got the brand new

    One, two, velcro my 👟
    Three, four, velcro some more
    Five, six, Skechers kicks
    Been working on this for a while, and it's finally done!
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    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    Blathers, this is actually pretty neat. How'd you make it?
    Sir Pentious
    Sir Pentious
    A lot of midis (taken from onlinesequencer, but I did a lot of work myself to mash them together, change the instruments so they all fit, add additional tracks where it was needed, and make them 8-bit) and a bunch of filters over anime OPs (posterize, dither, and choppiness).The anime logos in the bottom are all made by me, text with coloring filters in Photoshop with some additional decorations for some of them.
    Sir Pentious
    Sir Pentious
    Ok so I remade it

    I'm about halfway through ERASED and just started watching Steins;Gate, both are bangin' anime
    Koopa con Carne
    Koopa con Carne
    seconding your opinion on steins;gate. i should watch it again sometime...
    Ik there's a lot of controversy with AI art, but I've been playing around with it a bit recently and wanted to share my opinion:

    I think it's good for concept art and personal projects, particularly for people who aren't very artistically inclined. Like, I could get an AI to make an image of a character from a book I'm writing, then take that image and show it to a professional artist for them to use as a reference for my book's cover.

    I think, if you're using AI art for anything, though, it's best clarify that it's AI art, and not something you've made yourself- to avoid confusion.

    At the end of the day, though, AIs are tools, just like a pencil or paintbrush. I think the complaint of it emulating styles/referencing existing artists without their permission is fair, but at the same time it's not really plagiarism? Like if I drew something myself in the style of an already existing artists it's fine, so eh...?

    Idk I gotta go in a moment I just wanted to share my thoughts on the whole issue
    Koopa con Carne
    Koopa con Carne
    AI might have some use as an intermediary step in creation, and it's foolish to dismiss it whole--even loud detractors of this technology, like Steven Zapata, will tell you that--but it's been handled horribly so far.

    Like if I drew something myself in the style of an already existing artists it's fine, so eh...?

    the connections you make in your brain, creative or logical, are infinitely superior to those a robot. no matter what level of skill or even talent you have, you are able to contextualise and impress your own line of thinking and perspective onto your own artistic work. AI can't do that. it just collects and compiles a huge amount of artistic works, with little to no consent on the side of the artist, and regurgitates a pixel hairball that, while potentially visually impressive, didn't have any sort of artistic intent behind it. even the simplest, most childish such intent eludes the AI, because it's not even an "AI" proper: it's a simple algorithm employed for robbery, and the people who use it to that end or enable that should be held just as accountable as a person who plagiarises someone else's work.
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    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    My opinion of it , summarized briefly l, as I already wrote in an earlier lengthy profile post is that it's yet another new tech for art related purposes in a similar vein to digital art, photography, synthetic cheaper paints, the synthesizer, 3d art, etc. Like all new art movements, there is a lot of angry people who deride it and then some new art movement gets made to protest against the new tech and then it smoothly gets integrated into our society.

    To me there's nothing inherently wrong with AI art at all. Imo the more of the problem is rich capitalist exploiting it to be threatening to the artists positions but like that's more of a problem with general society and capitalism as a socioeconomic system than it really is with AI art. I also agree with Koopa con Carne that it's pretty much just a bot that feeds on algorithms can never replace the intuitiveness of the human imagination, as with all prior tech anyway.

    I do get concerns about legality of using it to share doctored images or making something in your likeness without your permission, that's where I think the brunt of the controversy should be at.
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