Natalie J.
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  • Is there really no way to change the number of posts in a thread anymore? I had it at 50 posts per thread for several years but now I can't find the option to change it back.
    I saved a damselfly from being eaten by my mom's cats and I didn't even kill it myself. I'm doing good in the world today.
    I submitted my first college assignment last night and got full points on it. I think I'm off to a good start.
    Can't believe I just wrote my retirement post. It feels good to be back but I think it's time to move on to bigger and better things.
    If I'm sick on my 18th birthday, I'm going to lose it.
    Are you sick now?
    i hope you dont get sick or your current sickness stops by then!!
    Sorry I've been gone so much lately, I've been sick and really depressed so it's nice to just spend some time with my friends and my boyfriend.
    I'm pretty sure I lost literally all my bravery about coming out as trans in real life thanks to my unsupportive parents.
    :( do you have a local lgbt group? I have one it saved my life & self esteem
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    @Princess of Tennis I wish I did. My dad offered to find one like a year ago but nothing came of that.
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    Abusive parents are so miserable to live with. No matter what they say, they're one of many old farts who don't know a thing or two about what transgenderism really is about.
    Are there any transitioned trans people that would want to help me out? I still have pretty much no idea what transitioning entails so drop me a message on here or Discord if you can provide that information for me.
    I know some trans people and I am friends with a LOT of LGBTQ+ people so I can tell you some stuff

    Basically a transition has two elements to it: social and medical

    A social transition means changing social elements of your life to conform to your social gender identity. This may include, but is not limited to, changing your name, changing your official gender, presenting as (in your case) a girl (through hairstyles, clothing, and makeup for instance), asking people to use your preferred name and pronouns, maybe toilets/changing rooms too if you wish.

    A medical transition means altering your body using hormones and/or surgery to conform to your bodily sex identity. For MTFs the main parts of this would be antiandrogens, estrogens, bottom surgery, some also elect for breast augmentation surgery, facial feminisation surgery, chondrolaryngoplasty, and voice feminisation sugery. A lot of this stuff can be quite difficult or expensive or irreversible so I'd take things slowly unless you're absolutely sure of what you want. I don't know how old you are or how far your body has gone down male puberty yet but if you have not yet finished male puberty you may wish to consider taking puberty blockers to pause/prevent future effects of male puberty if you feel you may wish to start HRT later. This decision is very much a personal one, for some transitioning medically may be essentially mandatory, for others they are perfectly able to live happy lives with only a social transition.

    Any questions just ask 🙂
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    @Starfire I'm 17, going to be 18 in two months and I'm pretty sure puberty is generally like, 13-15 or 16 so I think I'm decently past that.

    The rest of the post was really helpful even though there's a lot of long words that my sleepy mind didn't completely understand, but I did screenshot it since I'm sure I'll make use of it.
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    There are still some considerable advantages to starting now as opposed to in a decade as you are still very young and have a good chance (though it is important to remember, not a certain one) to feminise really well under HRT.

    I'm happy to clarify anything if you wish
    Hot Shingles in Your Area Are Looking to Get Laid.

    -a real billboard in the town next to the one I live in
    • Wow
    Reactions: London Parris
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    London Parris
    London Parris
    Oh God. I hope it isn't talking about the virus. And they are not hot. Seriously, who in their right minds do an ad like that?!
    It took me about two minutes to realize that this was talking about an Ad for a roofing company.
    What if I took your profile picture and modded that in as a real battle portrait for Smash Ultimate
    I accidentally slept with a Slinky, how was your night?
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    Reactions: Peachette
    I barely made it out of bed.
    I fell asleep with my Walkman.

    (Yes, I use a Walkman. Shut up.)
    Hopefully it didn't take a spring from the bed you're on.
    I just realized I have to stay up until 1:00 AM on New Year's Eve if I really want to wish my boyfriend happy new year and tell him I love him as the first thing I say to him in the new decade.
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