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  • OK.

    This outro slaps like, soooo hard.

    (Er, did I use "slaps" right? I'm not very educated on word usage like that lol)
    Hey, so I would like some help with the upcoming World of Plight mafia game. If you are not going to play and are willing, (Preferably someone who has hosted mafia before and has experience) I would like to be able to show someone the list of roles that I have lined up for the game just to ensure that none of them will be too over-powered. (This game is going to be... gimmicky in some cases. Nothing to distract from the core of the game but, oh man, I wish you guys could see what I have lined up right now.)
    I would appreciate that very much, thanks! (Any one else who is willing to help as well, let me know and I'll PM you.)
    yeah, sure, i'd be willing to lend you a hand if you need it
    • Like
    Reactions: Mags
    Thanks! I'll add you to the PM that was started, if that's alright.
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    Reactions: Revin
    I've just discovered that there are shortcuts on the keyboard when you're on this particular website. When you click:
    1: It takes you to the Wiki
    2: It takes you to the 'Shroom
    3: It takes you to the main page or pulls down the Forums tab
    4. It takes you the Discord page on the Wiki
    5. It pulls down the Members tab
    M: It pulls down your Account tab
    /: It pulls down the Search tab

    All of this comes from the bar on the top.

    A lot of you probably already know this and I'm just really really slow.
    I would like to speak with whoever invented the term "social distancing."

    "You want me to social distance at this party? Oh, OK, I'll just go play Brawl Stars by myself and not interact with anyone."

    Shouldn't it have been physical distancing or something? Come on, guys.

    (Please note this was made purely as a joke and in the interest of comedy, I am not ragging on anyone who adheres to this nor am I poking fun at the act itself, merely the name.)
    Natalie J.
    Natalie J.
    I'm just really tired of hearing the term "social distancing" after the past two years. Just call it forcing everyone to be introverted and it will probably be more accurate.
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    I wouldn't rag on it, it's the least of my worries as opposed to catching a debilitating virus simply because someone breathed on me.
    I have now played almost all of Deltarune Chapter 2 and it was a fabulous chapter. (Spamton obviously was my favorite part. I still haven't faced NEO yet, because I'm saving that for YouTube-y stuff.)
    Thoughts on the latest WoP entry?
    Waluigi Time
    Waluigi Time
    Karkaton hype!! (Is this the first time Miitopia has been referenced in WoP?)
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    If it is that's just sad. It's one of my favorite games of all time so.
    I just watched Juno's Daisy Circuit with lyrics for the first time and I am now traumatized by shirtless Juno for the rest of my life.
    So if you haven't noticed, my activity on here has dropped. I blame school, which is also why I haven't posted anything to YouTube in a while. Finals are over thank heavens, so I'll be working on general stuff more. World of Plight is coming along nicely, as are the Shmaluigi, Private Investigator videos. However, at the moment, I'm not really working on stuff pertaining to this community at the moment. I've got a Christmas piano recital on Sunday that I need to practice for as well as a TBQ meet on Saturday. Aside from activities with deadlines and whatnot, I'm working on writing a lot more (The Altonia Files to be specific, and no, not the old RP) and I've got that big YT project lined up for February that I need to get work on.

    In any case, I don't know how active I'll be around the community in the next month. I've got preparations to make for the WoP mafia in February (sign-ups might start in January some time, but be patient with me, it'll be my first time doing anything of the sort), but beyond that there's not much I'm going to do at the moment. I am in regular contact with some of you about varying matters and I will stay in touch, but don't expect too much from me for a bit.

    And no, I'm not leaving. World of Plight isn't anywhere close to being done, so you can bet your garrrlik bereetos I'll be staying around a lot longer.

    But the point of this post?

    I honestly don't know. Felt like writing an update on my life.

    I've been watching BIG SHOT lyrical covers for the past... 30 minutes at least.

    I don't know why either.
    Well, the Surface I use for a lot of stuff has a cracked screen now. It works just fine, but the touch screen doesn't work.

    So that really throws a wrench in several of my YT projects.
    Sooo the Brawl Stars World Championship just ended and they announced the date for it next year.

    It's on my birthday.

    You've been Morpho Knight for almost 2 months now.
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    Reactions: Mags
    I wanted to go back to Brawl Stars, but for some reason decided to stay as this until December, when I'll go back to Schroeder.
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    Reactions: Flowey
    Waluigi Time said:
    Fun fact about this [month's Shmaluigi, Private Investigator] story, Magolor actually started writing the original version back in April as a demo of sorts when he suggested the section to get a feel for things. I liked what he came up with, so we decided to turn it into a full story arc to use in the section.

    It was fun writing. Keep an eye out for the rest of the story!
    (And of course the videos which I am still making. This month's will hopefully be up this week!)
    So... one of my parakeets died recently. (A few weeks ago, actually.) I've been putting off saying this for a while, because I wasn't sure if the other would make it since the first seemed to get sick and the other wasn't doing too well. (I didn't want to make two separate posts about it so close together, I'm sure you guys understand.)

    He seems to be recovered or at least recovering, thank God, and I hope that he'll be with me for a while longer.

    It... was hard at first, losing a pet that I had for about four years, but... that's life. There's not much I could have done to help him. I'm feeling much better now, and I'm praying that the other stays healthy.

    So yeah. That's it.
    I'm starting to get some really... weird comments on my YT videos.
    (One guy posted on the Feather Fiend video: "Please polish my bald head." What does that even mean?!)
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    Reactions: Odie
    Sir Pentious
    Sir Pentious
    "Please polish my bald head"
    • Like
    Reactions: Odie
    Gay Rights Luigi
    Gay Rights Luigi
    "(One guy posted on the Feather Fiend video: "Please polish my bald head." What does that even mean?!)"

    give the man his head polishing, he even said please

    joking aside, i wouldnt be too worried, people say random shit all the time, as long as it didnt post any sussy links or is being malicious towards you i wouldnt make a big deal abt it.
    Up to this point, my exposure has been very small, but people are beginning to take notice (which is good and bad, I suppose), so I'm expecting more stuff like this, but to be frank, it takes a lot to hurt my feelings or anything of the sort, so I think I'll be fine.
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    Reactions: Odie
    I'd say my main plot-hole-resolver/writer's-block-unblocker in World of Plight is the cafeteria. When in doubt, send someone in there to blow something up.

    (Read it tomorrow for a shocking revelation! Also read the rest of the 'Shroom because.)
    I got a comment on this video that says,
    "Oh wow I LOVE the detail and effects!!"
    And all I can think is, "Effects? You mean my mom waving a flashlight while she's recording?"
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