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  • holy, my tonsils hurt so bad last night I felt like I was gonna die. I really should get those removed
    Larry "Cheatsy" Koopa
    Larry "Cheatsy" Koopa
    Surprisingly even though I'm a grown adult I still haven't had my tonsils removed. They were never a problem. I expect at some time in the future I will have to have them removed eventually. Like, seriously, it's weird that I got to hold onto them this long; don't most people have them removed when they're still kids?
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    I think like half of people get them removed, only if they have issues with them. I'm one of those people whose tonsil get inflamed kind of often and cause a lot of pain, so I'd be a candidate for tonsil removal.
    Larry "Cheatsy" Koopa
    Larry "Cheatsy" Koopa
    Sorry you're in so much pain. I have to warn you; your throat will still be a little sore for a while after they've yanked them out of there. Recovery kind of hurts too. But then once your throat feels better it'll never hurt like that again, unless you just get sick and get a regular sore throat. Won't hurt nearly as bad as it did having your tonsils yanked out though. Also if you really hate sore throats, I admit I hate them too. They're so incredibly painful. You can't even swallow without feeling pain.
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    I caught de cold, so agonizing, so funny, oh well. I stayed away from my sick family members for like a week to the point of me eating all 3 meals in my room. Now they're all better and I have it lol :'(
    Oh by the way now I have 333 reaction score! Only .3333333333333333 of a reaction to go before I hit 1/3 of 1000!
    Larry "Cheatsy" Koopa
    Larry "Cheatsy" Koopa
    I've had colds before. They're really annoying and make it hard to breathe through my nose, plus make it an endless snot factory, but at least not as bad as having the flu and constantly puking and all that.
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    wouldn't it be funny if like
    something really bad happened today
    like a global disaster
    the reason it would be funny is because I would've predicted it
    I don't know why I don't fall down the stairs more than I do
    Captain Galaxy
    Captain Galaxy
    I have never worried about falling down the stairs before, are yours especially steep?
    Umm they're not too steep, heck they even have carpeting on them, but sometimes I end up skipping like 2 or 3 steps when I'm in a rush and, well, that's kind of dangerous to be practically flying down a starcase. I actually don't fall down the stairs too often though for some reason
    Larry "Cheatsy" Koopa
    Larry "Cheatsy" Koopa
    @wully mammoth Can't people die from falling down stairs, too? I've seen that a lot in fictional media. I mean, it could be fake, but it could also be based on real fatal accidents people have had.
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    Yesterday I spent hours out in the cold and I ended up losing motor function in both hands lol 🥶at least it was sunny
    Larry "Cheatsy" Koopa
    Larry "Cheatsy" Koopa
    What the heck were you doing out in the freezing cold?! 😮
    I was helping install a pillar outside a Dollar General
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    I'll give you a hint, it is Morse code, and part of it has to do with the alphabet
    Captain Galaxy
    Captain Galaxy
    It's itrickedyou.
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    CONGRATULATIONS you have officially wasted some time solving this
    I actually thought no one would be able to solve it though, great work!
    do you ever wonder what the first post on the Super Mario Boards was
    So I found a post from 2 days after the forum was launched, but I can't find anything earlier, huh
    OK! So I found the earliest visible post on the Boards, from a few hours before the above post, on October 17th, 2006. The forum was launched on October 15th, so I guess no one posted for a couple days??
    From what I can tell, no one else joined for a couple days either, until October 17th. I'm guessing that Porple didn't share the forums publicly until the 17th.
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    Reactions: June
    My laptop just started sticking to my metal table. guess it has magnets in it lol
    I had a dream last night where I was driving around my town (I don't even have a license) and the only vehicles on the roads were Dodge Rams. Sound like a cool world to live in
    Larry "Cheatsy" Koopa
    Larry "Cheatsy" Koopa
    I'd like to live in a world where there were no cars but Ford Mustangs. My Dad has one.
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    Progressive insurance ad: Psst, hey [my real first name]!
    Me: what
    Ad: Bundle your home and auto insurance with Progressive!!
    Me: *realizes it's just an insurance ad*
    This actually just happened while I was listening to the radio through earbuds. It sounded even crazier because the guy was, like, whispering in my head.
    I looked it up and I think I have hypersomnia, I never have been a morning person I guess, I'm constantly struggling to wake up earlier and earlier
    I guess I'll join the club
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    I'm not a morning person either. I always have to get up early to prepare to go to work later in the morning, and I never manage to get used to the early wake-up rhythm.
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    Larry "Cheatsy" Koopa
    Larry "Cheatsy" Koopa
    I'm extremely lazy. I sleep in 'til 11:00 on the weekends and would do it on the weekdays too if it wasn't important for my biorhythms for me to get up at 10 AM on weekdays. However once I graduate from college and get my dream job I'll probably have to get up at 8 AM and that'll take some getting used to. May have to go to bed earlier because of that. I stay up til 2:00 AM normally. I'm a night owl. But yeah, not a morning person myself either.
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    Today is the 20th anniversary of NASA's Spirit rover landing on Mars? Pretty cool
    Whoops remember my partially abrased finger from last week? Well now I submerged it in paint thinner without thinking. paint thinner is similar to gasoline btw
    • Wow
    Reactions: The Owl Trio
    coz I was cleaning some paintbrushes and I started cleaning too aggressively and I stuck my hands in the tray
    Well, you guys voted for a random theme so you got it. This is my first name change ever btw, it felt pretty weird, new year, new me, I guess
    oh also 777 posts AND 300 reaction score so lots of milestones!!
    Larry "Cheatsy" Koopa
    Larry "Cheatsy" Koopa
    It's a new me for the new year too. Think it's going to be an even better one! 😄
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    for some reason I thought it would be a good idea to chop a log in half with a mini hatchet and half an hour later I am thoroughly exhausted, I abrased the skin off of one finger, but I got a cleanly cut log stool out of it
    So I got an Xbox controller for my nonexistent Xbox, some moisturizing spa booties, and about 5 days worth of sausages, among other things. not a bad Christmas
    my laptop, I play Xbox games on it. I rigged it up behind my TV, so you couldn't tell I wasn't playing Xbox on the big screen with a controller
    Oh ok
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    Sweetie Belle
    Sweetie Belle
    Yeah I used to use an Xbox controller for PC before I got my 8bitdo Pro 2 for Xmas
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    Merry Christmas and happy holidays everybody!!! Hope you're getting some rest, spending time with family and friends, and remembering what's important about the Christmas season. Yesterday I found out that babies really like me for some reason and they would literally start crying when I gave them back to their mothers so😐. And I'm not sure whether to feel proud or embarrassed that I wrapped my parent's presents in wallpaper

    making some festive crack, are we? This was on my Windows news feed. worst possible wording. I would have reported this if it weren't for the picture
    What if all the accounts on the Mario Boards were just sockpuppets of one user and they're just always talking to themselves. Think about it
    So I went to Ruby Tuesday's the other day and had some crab legs. Turns out, crabs are dangerous dead or alive, and I ended up leaving that restaurant with at least 3 dinner-inflicted puncture wounds.
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    Yeah crabs have a lot of sharp parts that can prick at you when trying to eat it.
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    Reactions: June
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